Fahd Al-Mulla is Professor of molecular pathology and heads a Molecular Pathology Unit, aiming delivering state-of-the-art diagnostic, targeted or tailored therapy and research facilities. Currently, his mandate is to build collaborative partnerships, invest institutional outputs, generate capital and resources, and promote public awareness as regards to the importance of scientific research outputs in resolving society’s problems and in expediting the development process. His research activities currently focus on identifying metastasis suppressor genes in colorectal cancer.

This search led to the identification of two metastasis suppressors, namely Carbony Reductase and Raf Kinase Inhibitory Protein, which he and his team characterized further recently. Fahd has spearheaded and initiated the Arabian Genome project and is in the process of whole genome and exome sequencing of 200 breast and colorectal cancers in young Arab patients. Fahd has recently been elected as Chair to the International Confederation of Countries Advisory Council of the Human Variome Project. He received his Medical Doctorate and Ph.D. from Glasgow University. He is a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh.  Fahd Al-Mulla has extensive experience in Theranostics, and intellectual property development. He developed three state-of-the-art personalized medicine-directed laboratories with quality assurance and other certification.