Q - I am a post-doctoral fellow working in Singapore. Am I eligible to join the Genomic Medicine Alliance?A - The Genomic Medicine Alliance invites scientists from all over the world working in any area of Genomic Medicine to join.
Q - Do I have to pay any fees to join the Genomic Medicine Alliance?
A - Membership to the Genomic Medicine Alliance is free-of-charge.
Q - I am a post-graduate student in Romania interested to pursue my career in a center of excellence abroad. What are the benefits by joining the Alliance?
A - The Genomic Medicine Alliance consists of a wide membership basis from graduate students to senior faculty members, healthcare professionals working in the biotech sector and regulators. By joining the Alliance you can be informed about various training opportunities in collaborating laboratories and Institutes, such as short-term visits, new training positions (e.g. PhD, post-doc, etc), job announcements, and so on. Also, you’ll be informed about educational activities and scientific meetings organized by members of the Alliance.
Q - My research interests are in the area of Pharmacogenomics and I am interested to engage into a collaborative project regarding ethics.
A - By joining the Genomic Medicine Alliance, you’ll become a member of a multinational project involving genethics. This would open new collaboration opportunities for your group with other fellow researchers from other countries, which would in turn allow possibly new funding opportunities and submission of joint grant applications.